[Télécharger] Handbook of Oral Physiology and Oral Biology de Anastasios K. Markopoulos En Ligne
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Télécharger "Handbook of Oral Physiology and Oral Biology" de Anastasios K. Markopoulos Francais PDF
Auteur : Anastasios K. Markopoulos
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Medicine,Basic Science
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the part of dentistry that links basic physiologic and pathophysiologic mechanisms to frequently encountered problems in dental practice. Themes that are covered include the structure and function of the cells of oral mucosa, the biology of bone, the functions of oral mucosa, some important aspects on oral microbial flora and biofilms and finally the current principles on mastication, swallowing and speech. The knowledge of basic sciences is essential in oral biology, helping to understand the nature and behavior of cells, tissues and organs in health and disease. It is an easy-to-read, relatively brief but a comprehensive book appropriate for undergraduate and graduate dental students as well as for practicing clinicians.
Télécharger Handbook of Oral Physiology and Oral Biology de Anastasios K. Markopoulos PDF Ebook En Ligne
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