[Télécharger] Success Strategies for the Aesthetic Dental Practice de Linda Greenwall PDF Ebook En Ligne
Télécharger Success Strategies for the Aesthetic Dental Practice de Linda Greenwall Livres En Ligne
Télécharger "Success Strategies for the Aesthetic Dental Practice" de Linda Greenwall En Ligne
Auteur : Linda Greenwall
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Medicine,Dentistry
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
In order to respond to the wishes and demands of dentists'existing and potential patient populations, learning how to build and manage this segment of the practice is essential. While aesthetic care has been a part of dentistry for many decades, very few practices are doing as much aesthetic dentistry as they desire. The purpose of this book is to provide dentists with the guidelines and strategies to make that happen. Along with Drs Greenwall and Jameson, the reader will hear from some of the best aesthetic dental practitioners from around the world. Each chapter is interspersed with their organizations. Outstanding members of their teams give you their insights along with the thoughts and reflections of the dentists.
Télécharger Success Strategies for the Aesthetic Dental Practice de Linda Greenwall Livres En Ligne
Success Strategies for the Aesthetic Dental Practice ~ Success Strategies for the Aesthetic Dental Practice London, Berlin, Chicago, Tokyo, Barcelona, Beijing, Istanbul, Milan, Moscow, New Delhi, Paris, Prague, São Paulo, Seoul, Singapore and Warsaw . v Foreword Ronald E Goldstein, DDS Aesthetic dentistry has become so important in the last several decades that a book which condenses all of the techniques for the business side of aes-thetic .
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