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[Télécharger] Hypnosis And Communication In Dental Practice de David Simons Livre eBook France

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Télécharger "Hypnosis And Communication In Dental Practice" de David Simons Francais PDF

Auteur : David Simons
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Medicine,Dentistry
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

Télécharger Hypnosis And Communication In Dental Practice de David Simons Livre eBook France

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Hypnosis And Communication In Dental Practice ~ Rapport in Dental Practice 4. Demystifying Hypnosis 5. Stage Hypnosis 6. Communicating with Patients 7. Induction 8. Deepening 9. Alerting 10. Hypnotic Communication 11. Ericksonian Suggestions 12. Metaphors and Imagery 13. Ego-strengthening 14. Ideomotor Signalling 15. Post-hypnotic Suggestions 16. Anchoring 17. Self-hypnosis 18. Control of Bleeding 19. Control of Salivation 20. Management of .

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hypnosis for dentists - use hypnotherapy for dental patients ~ Hypnodontics is the application of hypnosis techniques to dental practice and dental issues. There are techniques which dentists use to relax their patient (including waking hypnosis) and minimize pain, blood loss, during and after procedures. Hypnotherapists use techniques for deeper (often long term issues) for which dentists will refer their patients e.g. fears and phobias, bruxism, gagging .

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Santé Mentale - Communication thérapeutique et hypnose. De ~ Apprendre la communication, est-ce apprendre à manipuler ? Retraçant l’histoire de cette pratique, cet article montre comment l’hypnose peut contribuer à la communication, comment le débat central des hypnotistes sur l’influence a fait avancer ces pratiques, et comment celles-ci améliorent l’aspect central de toute prise en charge soignante en santé mentale.

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